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Iroquois Ridge High School
BAT 4M1 -  Financial Accounting Principles - Course Outline

Text Box: Summatives BeginTeacher Name: Mr. Boulton




Workroom 112

905-845-0012  ex.241


*This course counts as one credit toward the Business Certificate.

Prerequisite: BAF3M1 Financial Accounting Fundamentals

This course introduces students to advanced accounting principles that will prepare them for postsecondary studies in business. Students will learn about financial statements for various forms of business ownership and how those statements are interpreted in making business decisions. This course expands students’ knowledge of sources of financing, further develops accounting methods for assets, and introduces accounting for partnerships and corporations.


What will you be expected to learn? (Key Learnings)


In this course, you will be expected to provide evidence that you can:

  1. Applying Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to the accounting cycle and demonstrate their relationship to accounting practices and the various accounting agencies.
  2. Using a computerized accounting system to record a full accounting cycle for service and merchandising businesses. Describing the impact and effects of current ethical issues on accounting practices.
  3. Recording transactions for different terms of sale, accounts and notes receivable.
  4. Comparing the characteristics and method of periodic and perpetual inventory, and their effects on financial statements.
  5. Identifying and recording the transactions for the acquisition and amortization/depletion of capital assets.
  6. Explaining and recording the transactions involved in forming and dissolving partnerships as well as the distribution of income to partners.
  7. Explaining and recording the transactions involved in the creation of a corporation, the declaration of dividends, and the impact that this has on shareholders equity.



You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of these key learnings through your knowledge, thinking, communication and application of the learning.


Emphasizes the ability to recall factual information, recognize fundamental concepts and the foundational skills of the subject/discipline.


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the accounting process



Emphasizes the thinking skills used in thinking processes to demonstrate the student’s understanding of information they have processed.


  • Relate GAAP to the accounting cycle (e.g., the impact of journal entries and adjustments) with emphasis on the effect of decision making on financial statements
  • Analyze the health of companies through financial analysis (trends, ratios, etc.)
  • Interpret GAAP through case studies


Emphasizes the application and integration of knowledge, skills, processes and techniques to produce evidence of the student’s understanding.


  • Apply GAAP to complete the accounting cycle for service and merchandising business in a computerized environment
  • Prepare detailed journal entries and financial statements


Emphasizes the clear, precise and effective use of oral, written and visual language to communicate the student’s understanding of information and ideas


  • Prepare reports and presentations relating to the analysis of annual reports.
  • Forecast the financial future of a company based on the interpretation of their financial statements.



How will you demonstrate your learning? (what you say, write and do)


70% of your learning will be assessed through:

Formative and Summative Evaluations


30% of your learning will be assess at the end of the course (last four weeks of the semester)through:

Final Evaluation 10%

Comprehensive performance task, e.g., based on the analysis of a company (or companies) through the use of the annual report(s) and other financial resources available. Emphasize the use of information technology (e.g., spreadsheet software) to conduct the financial analysis.

Final Evaluation 20%

A final examination based on theoretical and practical components and application of GAAP.

100% of your learning will be recorded as:

Final Grade on Report Card



Your skills as a learner will be assessed in the way you demonstrate:


Learning Skill “Look Fors”

Working Independently

Demonstrates persistence in completing tasks independently.


Works willingly and cooperatively with others.


Comes prepared with necessary learning materials (e.g., notebook, calculator, etc.)
Follows specific steps to reach goals or to make improvements.

Work Habits/Homework

Shows attention to detail.

Completes assigned work on time and with care.


Identifies problems to solve, conducts investigations, and generates questions for further inquiry.




Unit Outlines:


What are you expected to learn?

How will you demonstrate what you’ve learned?


Key Learnings Focus

Your learning will be demonstrated by what you say, write and do.

Texts, Materials & Learning Opportunities


Intro, Computerized Accounting, Ethics



1, 2

  • journal entries, adjustments, financial statements
  • complete cycle(s) in a computerized environment
  • case study analysis



Accounting for Assets



3, 4, 5

  • journal entries, calculations
  • explain impact on financial statements



Partnerships & Corporations



6, 7

  • explain financing options (debt, equity)
  • calculate and account for income splitting in partnerships, dividends in corporations, etc.



Financial Analysis & Decision Making





  • use trend analysis and more advanced ratios (v. s. BAF3M)
  • research reports (annual reports)
  • presentation of financial analysis