Iroquois Ridge High School
BBB 4M1 - International Business - Course Outline

Mr. Boulton

CHATT Address:


Office Hours: Drop in

Room: 112


*This course counts as one credit toward the Business Certificate.

This course provides an introduction to international business. Students will explore the economic relationships that Canada has developed with other nations, and the impact of these relationships on productivity, prices, and a variety of goods. This course also introduces students to a variety of career opportunities in international business.


What will you be expected to learn? (Key Learnings)


In this course, you will be expected to provide evidence that you can:

Strand 1 – Canada and the Global Marketplace

Strand 2 – International Markets

Strand 3 – Conducting International Business

Strand 4 – International Careers and Skills



You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of these key learnings through your knowledge, thinking, communication and application of the learning.


Emphasizes the ability to recall factual information, recognize fundamental concepts and the foundational skills of the subject/discipline.



Emphasizes the thinking skills used in thinking processes to demonstrate the student’s understanding of information they have processed.



Emphasizes the clear, precise and effective use of oral, written and visual language to communicate the student’s understanding of information and ideas



Emphasizes the application and integration of knowledge, skills, processes and techniques to produce evidence of the student’s understanding.



How will you demonstrate your learning? (what you say, write and do)


70% of your learning will be assessed through:

Formative and Summative Evaluations

  • See the RED due date sheet handed out at the beginning of the semester


30% of your learning will be assess at the end of the course (last four weeks of the semester)through:

Final Performance Task (15%)

  • Project – interview preperation

Final Exam (15%)

  • Job Interview for an international position


100% of your learning will be recorded as:

Final Grade on Report Card






Contact information


I am always available for extra help, and can be reached as follows:


Workroom 112

Voicemail 905-845-0012 x404