Iroquois Ridge High School
CLU 3M1 – Understanding Canadian Law, University/College - Course Outline

Teacher Name

CHATT Address


Office Hours


Teacher Name

CHATT Address


Office Hours



This course explores legal issues that directly affect students’ lives.  Students will acquire a practical knowledge of Canada’s legal system and learn how to analyse legal issues.  They will also be given opportunities to develop informed opinions on legal issues and to defend those opinions and communicate legal knowledge in a variety of ways and settings, including legal research projects, mock trials, and debates.



What will you be expected to learn? (Key Learnings)


In this course, you will be expected to provide evidence that you can:


  1.  explain the need for law;  describe how laws are categorized, interpreted, applied, challenged and enforced.
  2.  analyze  the contemporary impact of major historical developments on Canadian law.
  3. describe law-making for public and private matters and understand how law affects daily life.
  4. analyze the way the law evolves in response to technological and societal change.
  5. explain the development of  Canadian human rights and responsibilities, and analyze human rights conflicts.
  6. explain substantive and procedural criminal  law for adults and youth.
  7. analyze traditional and alternate models of dispute resolution for adults and youth.
  8. communicate supported opinions using legal terminology and appropriate research and analysis.



You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of these key learnings through your knowledge, thinking, communication and application of the learning.


Emphasizes the ability to recall factual information, recognize fundamental concepts and the foundational skills of the subject/discipline.



Emphasizes the thinking skills used in thinking processes to demonstrate the student’s understanding of information they have processed.



Emphasizes the clear, precise and effective use of oral, written and visual language to communicate the student’s understanding of information and ideas



Emphasizes the application and integration of knowledge, skills, processes and techniques to produce evidence of the student’s understanding.




How will you demonstrate your learning? (what you say, write and do)


70% of your learning will be assessed through:

Formative and Summative Evaluations

Case studies, tests etc.


30% of your learning will be assessed at the end of the course (last four weeks of the semester)through:

Final Evaluation

20% Exam

Up to 2.5 hours

Final Evaluation

10% Project

(suggested: law scrapbook, portfolio, landmark case study)

This is an individual assignment; it ties together all the course expectations

100% of your learning will be recorded as:

Final Grade on Report Card



Your skills as a learner will be assessed in the way you demonstrate:


Learning Skill “Look Fors”

Working Independently






Work Habits/Homework






How will you learn and get help when you are not learning?



What are you expected to learn?

How will you demonstrate what you’ve learned?


Key Learnings Focus

Your learning will be demonstrated by what you say, write and do.

Texts, Materials & Learning Opportunities